Hi! I am a QA Engineer with almost 3 years of experience with the Cypress test automation framework. When I was a child, I flipped through a book on building robots, beginning my fascination to tech, which later led to a desire to pursue a career in software. During my high school years, I experimented with different tools and projects, some of which is documented on my YouTube channel, like exploring different operating systems, and looking at malware in an isolated virtual machine environment. Thanks so much for stopping by! If you would like to contact me or see more of my work, please feel free to click the icons at the bottom of this page!
Below is a quick summary of the different skills I have picked up during my tech journey.
Test Development
Security Testing
Web Development
Database Systems
Skills In Development
University of Toronto Scarborough
Honours Bachelor of Science (HBSc.)
Computer Science Co-op Specialist, Software Engineering
Statistics Minor
Relevant Courses
CSCB09 - Software Tools and Systems Programming
- Learned C Programming and Shell Scripting
- Topics include: pipes and filters, file processing, shell programming, processes, system calls, signals, and basic network programming
CSCB63 - Design and Analysis of Data Structures
- Learned Different Data Structures and its Algorithms
- Topics include: Worst Case Complexity, Priority Queues, Heaps, Balanced Search Trees, B-trees, Hashing, and Graph Algorithms
CSC373 - Algorithm Design, Analysis & Complexity
- Learned Algorithm Design Techniques and Computational Complexity
- Topics include: divide and conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, network flow, linear programming, approximation, membership in P and NP, and NP-completeness
CSCC01 - Introduction to Software Engineering
- Learned software development methodologies with an emphasis on agile development methods
- Topics include: basic software development infrastructure, requirements gathering and tracking, prototyping, basic project management, basic UML, introduction to software architecture, design patterns, and testing
- Worked in teams to create a search engine and a Demo Video where users can upload and search for files
CSCC09 - Programming on the Web
- Learned Concepts Related to Full-Stack Web Development
- Topics include: static and dynamic client content, dynamically served content, n-tiered architectures, and web development processes and security on the web
CSCC43 - Introduction to Databases
- Learned Concepts Related to Database Management Systems
- Topics include: relational data model, relational algebra, SQL, querying and updating databases, integrity constraints, normal forms, and database design
CSCC69 - Operating Systems
- Learned Concepts Related to Operating Systems
- Topics include: concept of a process, concurrency problems like synchronization, mutual exclusion, and deadlock, memory management, file systems, process scheduling, threads, and protection
STAC33 - Introduction to Applied Statistics
- Learned R to analyze data
- Wrote statistical reports
- Used R to generate graphs and do statistical inferences
STAC67 - Regression Analysis
- Learned Concepts Related to the Theory and Methodology of Regression
- Topics Include: least squares estimation, residual analysis, inference of regression parameters under assumptions of normality of errors, remedial procedures for violation of assumptions, model selection procedures, and collinearity models for categorical data
CSCD01 - Engineering Large Software Systems
- Learned the practices of large-scale software system design, development, and deployment
- Topics include: Project management, advanced UML, requirements engineering, verification and validation, software architecture, and performance modeling and analysis
- Contributed to an open-source project (matplotlib) in a team
CSCD27 - Computer and Network Security
- Learned Different Topics Related to Cybersecurity
- Topics include: Public and symmetric key algorithms and their application, key management and certification, authentication protocols, digital signatures and data integrity, secure network and application protocols, application/system/network attacks and defences, intrusion detection and prevention, social engineering attacks, and risk assessment and management
My Work Experience
QA Automation Developer - Verto Inc.
- Automated e2e tests using the Cypress testing framework
- Implemented GitHub Actions CI to run controlled tests automatically, on a schedule, and within pull requests
- Assisted with Burp Suite security scanning by integrating Cypress tests to intercept network traffic from main use cases
Test Developer - CaseWare International Inc.
- Tested newly developed features to ensure defects are found and fixed before deployment
- Wrote automation scripts using the Protractor framework and Jenkins to automate testing
- Collaborated with other developers and testers to discuss/present new features
Full Stack Developer - Verto Inc.
- Developed new features in the front-end using libraries like Bootstrap and jQuery
- Developed new features in the back-end with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL
- Assisted in the design of new features and interfaces
School Projects
UTSearCh I (2018)
- A search engine created to allow students to share and search for various course materials
- Used jQuery for various animations in the application
- Learned Spring MVC to put the project and its components together
- Used the jsoup library to parse uploaded html files and display its contents in the preview
UTSearCh II (2021)
- A search engine designed for students to meet one another face to face during the pandemic
- Learned Socket.IO and PeerJS to develop the video and voice call features
- Learned the React framework to integrate functional frontend components for the video/voice call features